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A publication reveals the large impact of the OBD’s documents on legislation

By 9 de February de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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A publication reveals the large impact of the OBD’s documents on legislation

–based at the Barcelona Science Park- is presenting a new book: «».The book provides an in-depth analysis of the significant impact that the «» and the «» developed by the OBD's Opinion Group in 2002 and 2008, respectively, have had on the healthcare, social and legislative contexts of our country, and also reproduces their original content.

The study demonstrates that nearly all of the recommendations established in both documents have been applied to state and autonomic legislation, and constitutes at present current law.

On the one hand, the proposals of the “Document on sexual and reproductive health during adolescence” appear in the 41/2002 Law, dated November 14, which regulates the patient’s autonomy and the rights and obligations regarding information and clinical documentation, and in the 2/2010 Organic Law, dated March 3, on sexual and reproductive health and voluntary abortion.

On the other hand, a large portion of the Conclusions of the “Document on voluntary abortion” have been included in the 2/2010 Organic Law, dated March 3, on sexual and reproductive health and voluntary abortion, and even the Document’s introduction has been utilized by the legislator.

The fact that the work and opinion of a scientific and academic group has had this type of relevance in the modification of legislation is extremely important, given that it evidences the close implications of technical rules with respect to judicial rules, and gives meaning to the role of scientific and technical organizations in the development of laws.

This is a new phenomenon in the world of Law which is gaining increasing importance in the field of Bioethics, where ethics committees –insomuch as technical committees- and scientific groups –such as the Bioethics and Law Observatory –have significant impact on legislation.

It is also the third time that a comparative analysis of this type has proven that the results of the work conducted by the Bioethics and Law Observatory’s Opinion Group have been included in state and autonomic legislation; the same thing occurred with the reediting and analysis of the legislative impact achieved by the 2008 Documents on assisted reproduction, and with the repercussion and legislative impact of the Documents on living wills and euthanasia, published in 2010.