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7th Blood Drive at the PCB

By 26 de October de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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7th Blood Drive at the PCB

Next Tuesday, Novembre 3, the Blood and Tissue Bank (BST) of the Generalitat of Catalonia (the Catalan government) will host the 7th blood drive at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). All those people who wish to donate blood can do so at the mobile unit that will be set up in front of the Helix Building (Baldiri Reixac, 15). Blood extractions will take place between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. and from 4.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. In the previous edition –which took place in May 2009- a total of 51 people offered to donate blood –eighteen of them for the first time- but only 46 blood extractions were possible.

In 2008, the Blood and Tissue Bank reported a total of 298,443 blood donations in Catalonia, of which 188,701 (63.22%) had been performed at mobile units and 98,639 (33.05%) at fixed units. The mean index of donations obtained in mobile unit campaigns was 34.59 donations per session.

Donated blood is used in Catalan public and private health care centres to carry out surgical interventions, oncological treatments, organ transplants and transfusions. In 2008, the total number of donations increased by 15,782 units when compared to 2007 (which means a 5.58% increase). However, reserves are still low given that, in order to guarantee a good supply, more than 1,000 donations are needed daily, according to the BSC.

According to the last BST report, Catalonia is one of autonomous communities in Spain boasting more than 40 donations per 1000 inhabitants (the national average is 37.6) and in 2008, 41,579 Catalan citizens became new donors in the community. In recognition of the Catalan model –based on one blood bank, associationism, and the promotion of blood donation as a sign of solidarity and civic responsibility- Barcelona has been chosen as the host city to hold the next 2010 World Blood Donor Day.