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The contemporary research fair “Research Live” to be held on 9 and 10 May

By 4 de May de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The contemporary research fair “Research Live” to be held on 9 and 10 May

In May, and for the forth consecutive year, the Parc Científic de Barcelona will organize the contemporary research fair which, this year, is called . On 9 and 10 May, about ten research groups working in Barcelona will participate in this innovative communication initiative. The fair aims to bring scientists and general public together in order to improve scientific culture in our society. The fair will be held in the building called "la Pedrera" (Centre Cultural Caixa Catalunya - Sala Gaudí: Pg. de Gràcia, 92, Barcelona) de 10 a 14h i de 16 a 20h.

presents the investigation projects currently performed in several centres and R+D institutes in Barcelona. The research activities are disseminated by researchers themselves with the aim to show the scientific knowledge that rarely reaches the public and that corresponds to the controversial stages during which knowledge is still being consolidated and about which the scientific community does not show consensus. The fair therefore provides an opportunity to talk to scientists and to gain first hand experience of the apparatus used to conduct their research.

This year’s fair presents several projects from diverse fields of knowledge, such as chemistry, biology, ecology, astronomy, medicine, technologies and informatics. Specifically, the general public will be informed of how the study of ants can contribute to determining forest conditions; how to measure the toxicity of contaminants in a river; second generation Internet; the internal structure of galaxies; the fight against malaria; the genetic bases of feelings such as hunger; the fruit fly as a model for the study of diseases such as Alzheimer’s; the automatic development of a virtual character for television programmes, and the support provided by new technologies to drug development.

under the auspices of the Catalan Society of Biology, the Caixa Catalunya, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Dept. of Universities, Research and the Information Society of the Generalitat de Catalunya( Government of Catalonia), is targeted at the general public and is free of charge.