S’obre la 7a convocatòria d’ajuts per al projecte «Recerca a Secundària» TO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

El Parc Científic Barcelona ha fet pública la dirigida a investigadors que vulguin fer de tutors d’estudiants de secundària durant el seu treball de recerca de batxillerat. La iniciativa s’inclou dins del programa «Recerca en Societat » que desenvolupa el PCB i té com a finalitat promoure la recerca entre la comunitat educativa i fomentar vocacions científiques entre els joves. La tutoria consisteix en pràctiques de laboratori (4-5 dies) i assessorament bibliogràfic .

Applications are invited for the third edition of the PCB research training grant program Blog Post

The Management of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has called for applications for the third edition of the PCB pre-doctoral grant program. The aim of the program is to promote the training of new researchers. The grants, which are awarded for a period of 2 years, may be followed by a 2-year working contract at the PCB. This represents a major advantage for doctoral students when it comes to finding a place in the employment market later on.

Miquel Canals, of the GRC-GM, will coordinate the cartography of the Foix underwater canyon Blog Post

The scientific campaign of marine geology that is coordinated –onboard the Hesperides , an oceanographic research ship – by Miquel Canals, head of the Consolidated Marine Geosciences Research Group () of the University of Barcelona, located at the Barcelona Science Park, aims to chart the sea floor and study the functioning of Mediterranean marine ecosystems. Within the framework of this scientific campaign, the oceanographic ship will head towards the coastlines of Castelldefels, Garraf, Sitges and Vilanova i la Geltrú, where the research team will chart the Foix underwater canyon, which is composed of several valleys, some of which are buried and others active, and location where the Llobregat river flowed into millions of years ago.

The PCB Theatre Group will be performing a dramatised reading of the piece “After Darwin” Blog Post

Coinciding with the 200th Birth Anniversary of the English naturalist Charles Darwin, and the 150th anniversary since the publication of his book “The origin of species”, the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) Theatre Group will be performing a dramatised reading of the piece “After Darwin”, tomorrow Thursday, 19th of March, at 17.00 hours at the PCB’s Fèlix Serratosa Hall (Baildiri Reixac, 10) . The play, written by US-born writter, Timberlaker Wertenbaker, who now lives in London permanently– will feature the acting talents of Isabel Usón, Xavier Gomis-Rüth, Jesús Purroy, Xavier Carpena and Celerino Abad-Zapatero.

The Sagrera neighboourhood of Barcelona pays tribute to Jordi Sabater Pi Blog Post

Last Sunday, February 15, a homage ceremony was held in the Ivanow Building in honor of Jordi Jordi Sabater Pi, director of the , located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). This tribute was paid by the Sagrera, the neighborhood where he has resided since his return from Guinea 40 years ago. The ceremony –which coincided with the 4th anniversary of the constitution of the Sagrera Foundation and the inauguration of new spaces in the Ivanow Building, a cultural and creation factory- was organized by the Neighbors Association, the Entities Council, the Celebrations and Events Committee, the Ivanow Building and the Sagrera Foundation, with the collaboration of the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES).

Applications are invited for the second edition of the PCB research training grant program Blog Post

The Management of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has called for applications for the second edition of the PCB pre-doctoral grant program. The aim of the program is to promote the training of new researchers. The grants, which are awarded for a period of 2 years, may be followed by a 2-year working contract at the PCB. This represents a major advantage for doctoral students when it comes to finding a place in the employment market later on.