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Iproteos is among the finalists for the RedEmprendia prize

By 11 de May de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Ernest Giralt and Teresa Tarragó, founders of .Iproteos. Source: IRB Barcelona

Iproteos is among the finalists for the RedEmprendia prize

Iproteos has been selected as one of the Spanish finalists for the 2012 RedEmprendia prize for best spin-off project from a University (‘Premio RedEmprendia de la Universidad a la Empresa'). A total of 15 finalists (seven projects from Spanish Universities and eight from other Latin American countries) have been selected for the final stage of this competition, which is promoted by RedEmprendia with support from Banco Santander. The prize will be awarded during the international forum "RedEmprendia Spin2012″, at the end of November.

Iproteos is a spin-off from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) –located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)– and the University of Barcelona, through the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, also at the PCB. The Catalan company was founded in June 2011 with the mission to develop and commercialize a new generation of more efficient low cost drugs with fewer side effects.

In spite of the many scientific advances made in recent years, the identification of new inexpensive, efficient drugs with low toxicity continues to be one of the challenges for the pharmaceutical industries. Iproteos, funded by Teresa Tarragó, researcher at IRB Barcelona and Ernest Giralt, coordinator of the Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Programme at IRB Barcelona and senior professor of the University of Barcelona, seeks to find next-generation drugs that meet these characteristics.

RedEmprendia is a network of Latin American universities that seeks to promote knowledge transfer, technology development, innovation and responsible emprendimento. Currently consists of 20 universities in seven countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico and Portugal), Universia, the largest network of universities of Spanish and Portuguese, and Banco Santander, through its Santander Universities Global Division supports and sponsors activities RedEmprendia all.