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UTOX-PCB takes part in the Preclinonco project to develop innovative new cancer drugs

By 20 de September de 2018No Comments
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Àngel Menargues, responsable de la Unitat de Toxicologia Experimental i Ecotoxicologia (Foto: Daniel Portales, PCB).

UTOX-PCB takes part in the Preclinonco project to develop innovative new cancer drugs

The Unit of Experimental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) is taking part in a consortium that aims to develop and provide preclinical checks for new candidates for first-in-class cancer drugs. The project, called Preclinonco, has just received an injection of nearly 350,000 euros from the Retos-Colaboración 2017 program, promoted by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities with ERDF funding.


The Preclinonco project (Ref.: RTC-2017-6037-1) aims to develop new drug candidates for four types of cancer diseases for which there is no effective treatment: childhood rhabdomyosarcoma and lung, pancreatic and kidney cancers.

Using molecules which have demonstrated their effectiveness in different in vitro tumour cell lines as a starting point, a study will be conducted to collect data on their effectiveness, toxicity, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and manufacturability. Based on this information, a decision will be made on which of the molecules is the best for preclinical regulatory development and, subsequently, clinical trials in humans.

In addition to UTOX-PCB, the project involves the participation of the Vall d’Hebrón Research Institute (VHIR), Leitat technological centre, and Inkemia IUCT Group as coordinator. The development of technology and the investment in R&D will yield patentable technical results for the partners in the form of new products, procedures or technologies.

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