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The Barcelona Science Park announces a new artistic intervention competition

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) is holding a new artistic intervention competition which offers participants the chance to design, with total freedom, a 125 metre-long space in the Cluster building, one of the main communication channels between the various research laboratories of the PCB. The ‘L’aigua és vida‘ [Water is life] project, by painter Kelly Arrontes, won the previous competition in 2017.


The competition is open to any person or group of people, with the sole requirement of being over 18. Participation can be either individual or in groups, but participants may only enter one project. 

The Barcelona Science Park Foundation will award a grant of €5,000 to the winning entry for them to carry out their project.

Registration must be completed when the projects are handed in, and the deadline for receipt of projects is midday 31 October 2018. 

On 17 September at 12.00 p.m., the park will give prospective participants a guided tour of the spaces where the intervention will take place.

 Contest rules [CAT] 

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