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The Barcelona Science Park hosts the 4th «Career progression in science» day

By 28 de May de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park hosts the 4th «Career progression in science» day

Thursday 27 June, the Barcelona Science Parc (PCB) and the Institure for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) organize the 4th edition of the «Career progression in science – options beyond the bench» day. The aim of the event is for professionals with training in science, but with different backgrounds, share their personal experiences and provide perspective on profesional scientific opportunities for students and young researchers. The event will be held at PCB´s Antoni Caparrós Aufitorium from 9.15 h. to 12.00h.

This year the day will be atended by professionals with a background in science who have gone on to take a wide range of different career opportunities beyond the bench, from management research, to technology transfer and entrepreneurship. This year’s speakers will be: Óscar Blanco, science teacher of Secondary Education; Daniel Closa, head researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Research of Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC) and scientific lecturer; Montse Cruz, head of International Projects at Cetemmsa; Marc Ramis, director general at Tech & Business Innovation (TBI); and associate researcher at IRB Barcelona, Teresa Tarragó, founder and director general at Iproteos.

In the first session of the day to be held from 9.30 h to 10.45 h, speakers will recount their professional experiences, explaining what their current job entails, as well as what factors led them to choose their careers options, which will be followed by a short Q&A session. Next, a snack will be offered from 10.45 to 12.00 h where speakers will have a chance to respond to the questions and doubts raised by participants in a relaxed atmosphere. Access is free, but prior registration is strongly recommended.