The XIII edition of the Board of Trustees of the UB and the FBG Awards is already open Blog Post

The Awards of the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation for the transfer of knowledge and the creation of innovative companies celebrate their thirteenth edition. These awards aim to promote the return to society of the knowledge acquired through study and research, to stress the importance of technology, knowledge, and innovation transfer projects, and to foster the creation of innovative companies and entrepreneurial culture within the UB Group. The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation is the technology transfer office of the UB since 1983 and is based in the Barcelona Science Park.


Genesis Biomed to invest an additional €500,000 in 2020 Blog Post

The Genesis Ventures fund, investment vehicle of several family offices managed by the consulting firm Genesis Biomed, based in the Barcelona Science Park, has announced that it will invest an additional €500,000 in the remainder of this year. The new investments will be made in several of the spin-offs of its portfolio of companies dedicated to biomedical research, in a moment of paralysis due to health and social crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.


The FDA licenses Chemotargets CLARITY platform Blog Post

Chemotargets –a global leader in the development of intelligence platforms and drug design prediction, headquartered in the Barcelona Science Park– has signed a license agreement for its CLARITY® platform with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide adverse event predictions and mechanistic investigation in public health risk assessments of new drug applications and existing marketed products.


Barcelona Science Park announces a new artistic intervention contest to decorate an outdoor space Blog Post

Barcelona Science Park (PCB) announces a new artistic intervention contest to promote the interaction between art and science. The public and anonymous event offers the opportunity to create, with total thematic freedom, a mural in an outdoor space of 4.5 metres of height per 6.5 metres of width in the Clúster II building, in a junction of various areas of the park at different levels.


Baula donates 18,000 cleaning kits to Càritas Girona Blog Post

The startup Baula, based in the Barcelona Science Park, has donated 18,000 kits of ecological cleaning products to Cáritas Diocesana de Girona, which will be distributed as basic necessities to vulnerable families cared for by the entity. The capsule format facilitates transportation and logistics compared to conventional products. The provision of goods to 18,000 families would equate to 72,000 kilograms of conventional cleaning products. In comparison, Baula’s tablets weigh a total of 4,500 kilograms.