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The donation will be destined to boost research into cancer and metastasis (Photo: IRB Barcelona).

IRB Barcelona receives a bequest of 1.5 M €

The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at the Barcelona Science Park, has received a bequest of 1,552,655 €, which, to honour the wishes of the donors, will support research into cancer and metastasis. This is the first legacy donation that the centre has received, made by a private couple from Barcelona. In addition to this bequest, in recent years other people have expressed their wish to include IRB Barcelona in their wills.


This is the first legacy donation that the centre has received, made by a private couple from Barcelona.

“The donors firmly believed in biomedical research and health,” says Jaume Solé i Janer, the family lawyer and executor of the will, “and had made donations to hospitals and other organisations to support research and healthcare. They held IRB Barcelona in high regard”.

The couple contacted IRB Barcelona back in 2009 after learning about the centre’s research through Joan Massagué, the then adjunct director. “We kept in constant touch over more than seven years, and would meet up on numerous occasions and they came to visit the labs. They understood the need for research into metastasis and the opportunity to further knowledge and improve public health, and that made them very happy,” explains a grateful Joan J. Guinovart, director of IRB Barcelona.

For IRB Barcelona, the donation will be crucial to speed up cutting-edge studies into metastasis that are being conducted by several of its research groups. This is precisely one of the research fields in which IRB Barcelona excels and has made discoveries of international impact.

“It is a very generous donation and it is important for research centres to receive these gestures of support from the public. We are starting to see a growing awareness about the importance of biomedical research on the part of society,” says Guinovart. Joan Massagué, current chair of IRB Barcelona’s External Advisory Board and director of the Sloan Kettering Institute (New York, USA), stresses the importance of “philanthropy to strengthen not only clinical research but also basic research so as to achieve advances that benefit patients and their families.”


► More information: IRB Barcelona website [+]