Nostrum Biodiscovery joins Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

Nostrum Biodiscovery, a spin-off created thanks to the transfer of technology from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), has moved to Barcelona Science Park. Combining its own technologies with the best modelling software on the market, the company provides in silico services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to accelerate and optimise the design of therapeutic molecules and enzymes, and overcome the common “bottlenecks” in the most initial stages of drug discovery.


Jordi Quintana, member of the Executive Board of IRDiRC´s ‘Data Mining and Repurposing Task Force’ Blog Post

Jordi Quintana, head of the Drug Discovery Plaform at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), has been appointed member of the Executive Board of the Data Mining and Repurposing Task Force of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC). Spain was the first European country to join the consortium promoted in 2011 by the European Commission and the National Institute of Health of the US aimed at fostering international cooperation in the research of more than 7000 rare diseases recorded to date.


The 14th edition of the Spend the Summer at the Park! starts Blog Post

The welcome ceremony to participants of the Spend the summer at the Park! program was held today, Wednesday, July 1. The aim of this initiative –organized annually by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)– is to bring research closer to students of any university in the world through their participation in projects currently being carried out in research groups, research centers and companies based at the PCB.