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6 abril 2022 @ 11:00 - 13:30

Innovative FIH clinical trial design and Biomarker-driven Strategies to Help Accelerate Development of Your Oncology Therapeutic Program

Barcelona Science Park and Labcorp organize an event to talk about FIH clinical trial design and Biomarker driven strategies in oncology.

We will discuss how using a novel early-phase clinical trial design and a biomarker-driven strategy can help you accelerate development of your oncology therapeutic at every stage. Designing an appropriate early-phase clinical trial is key to reaching your next steps successfully, whether it’s out-licensing your compound or progressing to the next phase. Biomarker risk reduction strategies include analysis of data and bioinformatics in the translational stage, empowering you to make “go/no-go” decisions sooner, and accessing our expansive data, insights and patient-first trial designs. This data will enable you to quickly identify the right trial sites, enroll appropriate patients and achieve quality trial outcomes.


Parc Científic de Barcelona
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Edifici Cluster II, Sala Dolors Aleu
Avinguda Dr. Marañón 6-8
Barcelona, Barcelona 08028
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