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23 novembre 2022 @ 12:00 - 14:00

Deciphering the molecular mechanism of human disease using network based methods

Speaker: Iñigo Barrio Hernández

Postdoc Fellow, EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome Genome Campus, UK

Proteins that interact within molecular networks tend to have similar functions and when perturbed, influence the same organismal traits. Using an interactome to propagate starting signals coming from different sources we can generate profiles to do trait to trait comparaisons. We can also detect communities of proteins tightly interacting within each other, cores of cell signalling related with pathogenesis and likely hotspots of therapeutic targets. In this talk I will introduce two examples of the potential of network based methods to: establish a pleiotropy map of human disease using common genetic variation (GWAS) associated to more than 1000 traits, and increase our knowledge of the role of astrocytes in a neurodegenerative disease (ALS), integrating different omics data.


IRB Barcelona – Institut de Recerca Biomedica
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Edifici Cluster I, Aula Fèlix Serratosa
C/ Baldiri Reixac 10-12
Barcelona, Barcelona 08028 Espanya
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