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The University of Barcelona holds the 65th position at a European level.

The University of Barcelona, among the 100 most innovative universities in Europe

The University of Barcelona is one of the most innovative universities in Europe and the first in Spain regarding this category, according to detailed data of the first edition of the ranking Reuters Top 100: Europe’s Most Innovative Universities, which was recently published. This list aims to identify which institutions contribute the most to science and technology and have a greater impact on global economy.


In the ranking, Reuters highlights the amount of spin-offs created at the University of Barcelona during the academic year 2014-2015: 5, and registered patents: 93. The ranking also emphasises that the number of existent spin-offs in the University of Barcelona has never stopped growing since 2000. When it comes to specific examples, NeuroTransVirtual Technologies is mentioned: a company which creates virtual reality devices to be used in medical and rehab uses; and SM Genomics, which investigates on the influence of genetic elements in soft tissue injuries and applies this knowledge in order to improve the sports results.

During the years 2008-2013, the University of Barcelona, through Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, office for the promotion and management of knowledge transfer and technology of the University of Barcelona, cumulated 105 patents, a 68,6% out of which were successfully registered. Regarding commercial impact, an indicator showing the influence frequency of the basic research on research and development performance, studied through the cited publications in the patents’ archives, the University of Barcelona obtains a score of 42,3.

The University of Barcelona holds the 65th position at a European level, followed by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (85th) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (86th). The leaders of this ranking are KU Leuven (Belgium), Imperial College of London and the University of Cambridge. The Universitat Politècnica de València, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Valencia, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Complutense University of Madrid and University of Granada are also present in the ranking.

This ranking has been developed using the data of Thomson Reuters science division, that created a list of 600 organizations publishing most of the academic research. Each candidate has been assessed under 10 indicators, among which publications (basic research) and patents (described as the capacity of transferring research and commercializing it) stand out. The last criterion to create the ranking was to filter and classify universities regarding their results.

• To access more information about the ranking [+]