A nanodrone able to detect toxic gases in emergencies Blog Post

Detecting dangerous gases in collapsed buildings due earthquakes or explosions and identifying the presence of victims in places which are hard to access are some action scenarios of SNAV (Smelling Nano Aerial Vehicle), a nanodrone designed and created by the researchers Santiago Marco and Javier Burgués, from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), based in the Barcelona Science Park.


p38 protein regulates the formation of new blood vessels in tumours Blog Post

Researchers from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at the Barcelona Science Park publish a study in the journal Nature Communications addressing the role of the p38 protein in angiogenesis—the formation of new blood vessels—a critical process that fuels tumour cells and allows them to grow and eventually develop metastases.


EIT Health Spain awards Headstart Programme support to Senolytic Therapeutics and Moirai Biodesign Blog Post

EIT Health Spain has announced today the 15 Spanish start-ups selected for 2019 Headstart Programe, which includes funding, mentoring and networking opportunities. Among those selected are Senolytic Therapeutics and Moirai Biodesign based in the Barcelona Science Park. Since 2016 the Spanish node of EIT Health, located in the Park, has supported more than 100 Spanish start-ups through a variety of acceleration programmes designed to support healthcare entrepreneurs at every stage of their business journey.


A research team develops a mini-factory of human cardiac tissue Blog Post

Researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at the Barcelona Science Park, in collaboration with scientists from the Centre of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona (CMR[B]), the University of Barcelona (UB), the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the CIBER-BBN have developed a system which is capable of producing tissues in a laboratory that simulate the behaviour of the human heart. The new platform, named CardioSlice, could be used to pre-evaluate the toxicity of drugs in the heart without using animal models. The results of this innovation work have announced in an article recently published in the journal Stem Cell Reports.


CataloniaBioHT participates in the Annual Advisory Committee of the Catalonia’s Cluster Programme Blog Post

Last Thursday, the president of CataloniaBio & HealthTech (CataloniaBioHT), Jaume Amat, participated in the Annual Advisory Committee of the Catalonia’s Cluster Programme, promoted by ACCIÓ, alongside the other presidents of the 30 accredited clusters. The association, founded in 2017 as a result of the merger of CataloniaBio and HeathTech Cluster and headquartered in the Barcelona Science Park, has over 160 companies and agents in the field of biomedicine and health. 


Núria Montserrat represents the European Research Council at the WEF Summer Davos in China Blog Post

Núria Montserrat, ICREA professor and principal investigator at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) was among the nine scientists representatives of the European Research Council (ERC) at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC), also known as “Summer Davos“. Organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the Chinese city of Dailan from 1 to 3 July, the 2019 edition of this event brought together the brightest minds on the planet to discuss issues related to scientific research, leadership, and innovation. 


Researchers at IRB Barcelona manage to selectively eliminate cells that express the RAS oncogene Blog Post

A team, led by ICREA researcher Marco Milán from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at PCB, have managed to inhibit the capacity of RAS to block cell death, thus eliminating malignant tumours without affecting the development of organs.The results of the study pave the way to combining irradiation treatments with the administration of RAS pathway inhibitors to eliminate tumour cells.


A Eugin study wins the Clinical Science Award for best clinical poster at ESHRE 2019 Blog Post

The fresh or frozen eggs of the same woman are equally fertile. This is the main conclusion of a study conducted by Eugin Group researchers which won the Clinical Science Award for best clinical poster at the 35th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). The research went head-to-head with 800 other studies, and its principal investigator was David Cornet-Bartolomé, a member of Eugin’s Basic Research Laboratory headquartered in the Barcelona Science Park.