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Orientation session before the Postgraduate starts, December 14th, 2019, at University Santo Tomas (Manila, Philippines). Photo: DTI Foundation.

Launch of the ODISSeA Postgraduate Programme on Organ Donation to train experts in Southeast Asia

About three hundred experts from Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand will be the first generation to complete the ODISSeA Postgraduate Programme in Organ Donation. This initiative is carried out as part of the project ODISSeA, led by the University of Barcelona and promote by DTI Foundation–Donation & Transplantation Institute, based in the Barcelona Science Park, to boost highly specialized training among professionals in this field to the countries of Southeast Asia.


On January 7th, 2020, the first edition of the ODISSeA Postgraduate Programme on Organ Donation has started. This pioneer initiative is part of the ODISSeA Erasmus+ project, funded by the European Commission and led by the University of Barcelona to promote an academic program on organ donation for health professionals in eight universities in Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand. 

This training approach –adapted to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) –promotes the institutional collaboration to improve donation rates and set a sustainable system for training on organ donation in these Asian countries. In the project ODISSeA also take part: the University of Bologna (Italy), the University of Zagreb (Croatia), and the company Dinamia and DTI Foundation – Donation & Transplantation Institute (Spain).

The ODISSeA Postgraduate Programme comes from the need for a specialized education that builds adequate knowledge, skills and attitude in organ donation to improve the number of specialists that can efficiently coordinate the process of organ donation in these Southeast Asian countries.

During the next 9 months, the participants will be trained through a multilevel blended methodology, where competencies are built progressively and transferred from the academic environment to the clinical setting. The variety of educational strategies employed such as microlearning capsules, webinars, online modules, local seminars, on-the-job improvement projects, awareness events and international assessment seminars, as well as the multilevel approach from basic to advanced will ensure a better penetration of what is being learned.

Participants are supported throughout their learning journey by international experts in the field as well as local faculty, who previously completed the ODISSeA Train the Trainers programme, carried out in May 2019 in Barcelona.

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