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H2OCEAN Unveiled: Multi-use Oceanic Platform for Renewables

By 19 de January de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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H2OCEAN Unveiled: Multi-use Oceanic Platform for Renewables

AWS Truepower has announced the official start of the H2OCEAN project at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). The project, which is funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme, aims to develop an innovative design for an economically and environmentally sustainable multi-use open-sea platform to harvest offshore renewable power. The consortium involves seventeen companies and public institutions from five European countries from diverse sectors including renewable energy, aquaculture, hydrogen generation and shipping.

The H2OCEAN platform will harvest wind and wave power, using part of the energy on-site for multiple applications including a multi-trophic aquaculture farm, and convert on-site, the excess energy into hydrogen. A unique feature of the H2OCEAN concept, beyond the integration of various activities in different economic sectors, is the approach to transporting excess renewable energy generated offshore through hydrogen. This conceptual model avoids the grid imbalance problem inherent to current offshore renewable energy systems and eliminates the need for cost-prohibitive cable transmission systems.

H2OCEAN’s design plan will take advantage of synergies between various activities carried out within the platform, minimize environmental impacts, and increase social and economic potential of new maritime activities. Job creation and strengthening European competitiveness are also expected outcomes of the project.

“The H2OCEAN project is an outstanding opportunity to demonstrate how innovative approaches to energy capture and delivery can make renewable sources the number one contributor to the energy mix in Europe”, said Joan Aymamí, Vice President of International Business at AWS Truepower. “We are thrilled to be leading such a diverse team of specialists and expect the outcome of this project to exceed expectations for all stakeholders.”

AWS Truepower SL is a company that collaborates with the spin-off Meteosim, Inc., founded in 2003 by a group of researchers from the Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona , and Meso Inc. AWS Truepower is a leader in the development of applications and services in the renewable energy sector and focuses its activity on the application of mesoscale models for the estimation and evaluation of energy resources and the generation of information services. The company is based at the Barcelona Science Park