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The young winners awarded by the Barcelona Science Park (Photo: Magma).

Barcelona Science Park grants Exporecerca Jove XXIII awards

From 9 to 12 March, URL-La Salle hosted Exporecerca Jove XXIII, a science fair featuring research projects by young people aged 12 to 18. The event, organised yearly by the MAGMA association, aims to promote research among young people, allow them to share their experiences and encourage them to take part in this and other national and international fairs and congresses. Barcelona Science Park gave out three main awards and a secondary prize of a visit to the Park to see a research laboratory and take part in the Do research! workshops in the Research in Society programme.

The young winners of the prizes granted by the Barcelona Science Park were: Mar Carol from Institut Vilanova del Vallés, for her project Bacteris superresistents. És la llum ultraviolada realment una aliada? (Superbugs. Is ultraviolet light really an ally?); Laia Uyà from Escola Mare de Déu de la Salut in Sabadell, for her project Avaluació i comparació de l’efectivitat i seguretat del transplantament de microbiota fecal, antiinflamatoris i biològics per al tractament de la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal (Assessment and comparison of the effectiveness and safety of faecal microbiota transplant, anti-inflammatory drugs and biological drugs in treating inflammatory bowel disease); and Roc Gumà from Institut Pere Vives Vich in Igualada for his project Estudi de la sobreexpressió del factor de Splicing SRRM4 i la seva relació amb l’esquizofrènia i altres malalties neuropsiquiàtriques (Study on overexpression of Splicing SRRM4 and its connection to schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric diseases).

The PCB also awarded secondary prizes to Paula Martínez, Helena Gimeno del Valle and Berta Beteta from Col·legi Santa Maria de Vila-real for their project on Leishmaniasis.

Exporecerca Jove is a science fair open to the public, where participants present the results of their research through posters, graphics and multimedia productions, models, instruments, etc. The fair is promoted and organised by MAGMA, Associació per a Promoure la Recerca Jove, a non-profit Catalan youth association based in Barcelona that is part of MILSET, the international federation that promotes research among young people.

All the editions of MAGMA Exporecerca Jove have been proof of the initiative’s success and deep roots. An accredited panel of judges from various academic and professional fields assesses the projects submitted and, the final day, gives out awards, which generally allow the winners to take part in international events.