A debate on business strategies in nutrition Blog Post

The Casa Llotja de Mar will be hosting on the 18th of June at 18.30 h a debate in which a group of experts in nutrition and health from the public sector and the industry will be discussing new business strategies that are being carried out in this field, such as the emergence of the so called “functional foods”. This activity is framed within a series of scientific debates that under the title , are jointly organised by the Barcelona Science Park and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.

The third edition of the “Debate on Science” cycle takes off Blog Post

Today April 16 at 6.30 p.m. the next session of the scientific debates cycle , organized by the Barcelona Science Park and the of Barcelona, with the collaboration of the group, an independent auditing and professional corporate services for companies, will take place. This third edition –which will take place throughout the next few months at the Casa Llotja de Mar (Passeig d’Isabel II, 1) –will include two more debates: The Role of Nutrition in Health and Personalized Medicine, which will take place on June 18 and October 15, respectively.

Debating the Relationship between Science and Politics at the Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

What role should science play in political decision-making? Who decides whether somebody has the expertise to advise government? To what extent should experts influence regulation in areas calling for scientific knowledge, such as pipelining water, installing high-tension power lines, setting limits on CO2 emissions or approving genetically modified food for consumption? All these questions are to be addressed on Thursday, 12 June, at the Barcelona Science Park (Fèlix Serratosa Conference Room, c/Baldiri Reixac, 10). The debate, entitled “The Role of Science in Political Decision-making”, will kick off at 6 pm.