Els barcelonins es manifesten a favor de la recerca amb embrions humansTO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

Prop de 5.000 persones han visitat durant els darrers dos mesos l’exposició “Els Embrions i la Medicina del S. XXI. Tu què en penses?” a l’Hospital de Sant Pau, on un 87% han expressat la seva conformitat en que es donin embrions per dur a terme recerca de noves teràpies, en el supòsit que sempre es compti amb el consentiment dels donants, que el projecte de recerca sigui aprovat per l’autoritat corresponent, i que els embrions que s’utilitzin mai formin part d’un procés reproductiu.

The exhibition “Embryos and Medicine in the XXI Century. What do you think?” is opened at the Sant Pau Hospital Blog Post

On Wednesday 6 October of 2004 the exhibition “Embryos and Medicine in the XXI Century. What do you think?” will be opened in the entrance hall of the Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital. The exhibition has been organized by Barcelona City Councillor for Women’s Affairs and Civil Rights together with the San Pau Hospital. Developed by the PCB and the Observatory for Bioethics and Law, the exhibition is free of charge and is open to the public from Monday to Sunday, 10 am to 8.00 pm, until 6 December.

Science Week 2003 at the Parc Científic de Barcelona Blog Post

On the occasion of the 8th Science Week (SW03), the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) has organized several open days and visits to the Sabater Pi Collection. These events aim to bring scientific activity undertaken at the Park closer to the public at large. Held from 7-16th November under the title “Viva Science!”, the SW03 includes 450 events to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge in 100 venues around Catalonia.