Baula has been seclected to become part of the FuTUR Impact program of Ship2B Blog Post

Clean & Health & Eco Baula has been one of the two companies selected to become part of the  FuTUR Impact program, the investment and acceleration platform for high social impact startups in the sector of tourism of the Ship2B Foundation. The company, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has developed an innovative and patented formula worldwide to manufacture and distribute any cleaning product, in the form of individual tablets and easy dissolution, 100% sustainable and responsible to the environment. 


The University of Barcelona sets up a crowdfunding platform Blog Post

The University of Barcelona (UB), through the Barcelona Institute of Entrepreneurship (BIE), has launched a crowdfunding platform to promote solidarity or research projects that do not receive public funding. The first call has been announced this month of February in collaboration with Verkami. Three projects will compete to achieve the financial resources that they need. The initiative is part of the strategic plan of the BIE– promoted by the UB and Bosch and Gimpera Foundation (FBG), from its headquarters offices at the PCB–with the aim of making tools and resources available to entrepreneurs within the framework of Group UB.