GlyCardial Diagnostics wins the EmprendedorXXI 2019 Award in the ‘Health Tech’ category Blog Post

GlyCardial Diagnostics has won the  the EmprendedorXXI Award in the ‘Health Tech’ category, one of the six awards granted in its twelfth year to recognize those companies in Spain and Portugal with greatest growth potential in several sectors linked to the new innovation trends. The winners have been selected from 961 companies in Spain and Portugal. The biotechnology company, headquartered in the Barcelona Science Park, adds this award to the EmprendedorXXI Award in Catalonia, which it received on 9 May.


GlyCardial Diagnostics receives the EmprendedorXXI Award in Catalonia Blog Post

The companies GlyCardial Diagnostics, based in the Barcelona Science Park, and Mitiga Solutions, have been honoured with the EmprendedorXXI Award in Catalonia, which is promoted by CaixaBank –through DayOne, its specialized division that provides banking services for technology and innovation companies and its investors- and awarded jointly by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, through Empresa Nacional de Innovación, S.A. (ENISA). The award ceremony was held yesterday in the Recinte Modernista of the Hospital de Sant Pau as part of the ‘DayOne Innovation Summit’ event. Outside of the regional prize, next May 14th the sectorial EntrepreneurXXI Awards will be awarded to 6 nationwide companies with the highest growth potential in their sector.


Francesc Posas, named new director of IRB Barcelona Blog Post

Francesc Posas Garriga, an internationally acknowledged researcher in the field of cell biology and full professor of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), is to take up the position of director of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). As of 1 May, he will succeed Joan J. Guinovart, who was a key figure in setting up the Institute in October 2005 and who has served as director since.


Josep Samitier was a panel member at the seminar ‘Nous horitzons per a l’economia metropolitana’ Blog Post

IBEC’s associate director Josep Samitier was a panel member and speaker at a session of the seminar series ‘Nous horitzons per a l’economia metropolitana’ entitled ‘La salut, un gran potencial’. The seminar series seeks to strengthen public policies and private actions in those sectors, such as health, which have the ability to generate or export business successfully in spite of the prolonged financial crisis.

10 edició de la fira «Recerca en directe»TO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

Els propers dies 24, 25 i 26 d’abril tindrà lloc a La Pedrera la 10ª edició de la Fira «Recerca en directe». L’objectiu d’aquest esdeveniment –que organitza anualment el Parc Científic de Barcelona i la Fundació de CatalunyaCaixa– és mostrar diversos projectes que es duen a terme a centres i instituts de recerca de Barcelona, per apropar la ciència a tots els ciutadans i fomentar vocacions científiques entre els joves.

CIES organitza un workshop a El Caire sobre Responsabilitat Social CorporativaTO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

Avui i demà, 1 i 2 març, tindrà lloc a la Facultat de Gestió de la Tecnologia de la German University in Cairo (GUC) el “1er Workshop Internacional sobre Responsabilitat Social Corporativa i Sostenibilitat: Desafiament per a els responsables polítics, institucions educatives, organitzacions i consumidors”, organitzat per la –amb seu al Parc Científic Barcelona–, la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) i la GUC.