The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation participates in five clusters in Catalonia Blog Post

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, based in the Barcelona Science Park, has joined the Catalan Kid’s Cluster. With the goal of encouraging contacts between research groups at the University of Barcelona and key economic players to transfer innovation to society, the foundation is also taking part in four more clusters in Catalonia: the Beauty Cluster Barcelona, the Advanced Materials Cluster of Catalonia, the Mental Health Cluster of Catalonia and the Food N’ Nutrition Cluster.  


Whole Genix receives the 2019 ‘Medicina Siglo XXI’ Award for Medical Innovation Blog Post

The company Whole Genix, based in the Barcelona Science Park, received the 2019 ‘Medicina Siglo XXI’ Award in the Medical Innovation category during the gala marking the II edition of these prizes, held on Friday in Hotel Arts in Barcelona. With these awards, the editorial group El Suplemento aims to value the professional, scientific and innovative talent of professionals who work for and for health in various specialties and from different Spanish cities.


Esteve’s R&D&I has once again received the qualification ”Excellent” in the Profarma program Blog Post

Once again, Esteve‘s research activity has received the qualification ”Excellent” in the 2018 call of the Profarma program, resolved by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.The pharmaceutical group – that in 2012 established its key units for the discovery of drugs and preclinical development in the Barcelona Science Park– has been recognized with the highest rating for its commitment to innovation and quality of its research.


CataloniaBio & HealthTech joins forces with the Mental Health Cluster and the Food Nutrition Cluste to advance in nutrition and health Blog Post

On Friday 5 April, CataloniaBio & HealthTech, the Mental Health Cluster of Catalonia and the Food’n Nutrition Cluster held the second workshop of the second Intercluster workshop Nutrition and Health: Discovering new challenges event at the Barcelona Science Park, with roughly forty Catalan companies and organisations in the biomedical, nutrition and mental health sectors that are interested in tackling challenges in nutrigenomics, pharmacogenomics and the use of prebiotics and probiotics in healthcare.


The “Volta Ciclista a Catalunya” and GAEM Foundation, a caring tandem Blog Post

The Volta Ciclista a Catalunya associates to GAEM Foundation, creating a caring tandem in the fight to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. The exceptional media coverage of “La Volta” –one of the most important races with a long trajectory in the world– will give voice and make visible the need to promote research projects to find a cure for this neurological disease –which affects about 50,000 people in Spain– and improve the quality of life of the patients.


From the laboratory to CosmoCaixa Blog Post

After four days of intense activity at CosmoCaixa Barcelona, more than 1,700 students and citizens were able to participate in the Live Research Fair, experiencing first-hand the most cutting-edge research taking place in research centres throughout Catalonia. This 17th edition broke the general public attendance record by nearly 500 visitors, as testament once again to the success of the event organised every year by Barcelona Science Park (PCB) in collaboration with la Caixa” Foundation