S’obre la 7a convocatòria d’ajuts per al projecte «Recerca a Secundària» TO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

El Parc Científic Barcelona ha fet pública la dirigida a investigadors que vulguin fer de tutors d’estudiants de secundària durant el seu treball de recerca de batxillerat. La iniciativa s’inclou dins del programa «Recerca en Societat » que desenvolupa el PCB i té com a finalitat promoure la recerca entre la comunitat educativa i fomentar vocacions científiques entre els joves. La tutoria consisteix en pràctiques de laboratori (4-5 dies) i assessorament bibliogràfic .

Applications are invited for the third edition of the PCB research training grant program Blog Post

The Management of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has called for applications for the third edition of the PCB pre-doctoral grant program. The aim of the program is to promote the training of new researchers. The grants, which are awarded for a period of 2 years, may be followed by a 2-year working contract at the PCB. This represents a major advantage for doctoral students when it comes to finding a place in the employment market later on.

Applications are invited for the second edition of the PCB research training grant program Blog Post

The Management of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has called for applications for the second edition of the PCB pre-doctoral grant program. The aim of the program is to promote the training of new researchers. The grants, which are awarded for a period of 2 years, may be followed by a 2-year working contract at the PCB. This represents a major advantage for doctoral students when it comes to finding a place in the employment market later on.

The PCB announces a new training grant program in research Blog Post

The directors of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) have set in motion a program of predoctoral grants with the aim of promoting research training for grant holders. This scholarship, which is awarded for two years, may be continued with two further years of work contract with the PCB. This is expected to help people to find a research positions when they have completed their PhD.

First call of the “Tutoring Programme for Secondary School Students” Blog Post

The includes a series of activities aimed at the educational sector, among these the project entitled . Addressed to 16-year-olds that are about to begin their research project, this initiative offers these students the opportunity to be assessed by a tutor at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB). During the following year, the tutor gives advice on recommended reading and students are also offered the chance to gain hands-on experience in laboratories at the park.