Debating the Relationship between Science and Politics at the Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

What role should science play in political decision-making? Who decides whether somebody has the expertise to advise government? To what extent should experts influence regulation in areas calling for scientific knowledge, such as pipelining water, installing high-tension power lines, setting limits on CO2 emissions or approving genetically modified food for consumption? All these questions are to be addressed on Thursday, 12 June, at the Barcelona Science Park (Fèlix Serratosa Conference Room, c/Baldiri Reixac, 10). The debate, entitled “The Role of Science in Political Decision-making”, will kick off at 6 pm.

Debating the future of energy at the PCB Blog Post

Next Thursday, April 10, at 18:00 h will take place in the of the Barcelona Science Park the second event in the series of science debates “Debating Science at the PCB”. Attendance is free. These events aim at fostering discussion around the new avenues opened by today’s multidisciplinary research. In this session, the subject is “Biofuels and the future of energy”, which is sure to stir debate. We will debate whether or not it is so eco-friendly and sustainable as people had thought some time ago, and what foreseeable impact will it have on deforestation and the rise in the prices of basic commodities.

The PCB opens its third annual series on “Science in Debate” Blog Post

In March, the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) kicks off another series of scientific debates entitled “Science in Debate at the PCB”. Admission is free of charge and the aim of the debates will be to stimulate discussion about the new paths being opened by multidisciplinary research today. This year marks the third edition of the series, which will be conducted in three different sessions. The scheduled dates are 4 March, 10 April and 12 June, and each event will begin at 6 pm in the Fèlix Serratosa Conference Room at number 10, Baldiri Reixac Street in Barcelona. The subjects to be addressed are scientific fraud, biofuels and the future of energy, and the role of experts in political decision-making.

El Parc Científic de Barcelona organitza un debat entorn de la teràpia gènica i les teràpies amb cèl·lules mareTO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

El proper dijous 21 de juny, a les 18.30 hores, tindrà lloc la tercera sessió del cicle de debats científics «La Ciència a Debat al PCB», que organitza el Parc Científic de Barcelona. En aquesta ocasió, i sota el títol «Noves teràpies: On som i cap a on anem?», es vol reflexionar entorn les possibilitats i futures aplicacions de la teràpia gènica i les teràpies amb cèl·lules mare, així com dels problemes ètic i legals que plantegen aquests tipus de teràpies. El debat es durà a terme a l’Aula Fèlix Serratosa del PCB.

Segona sessió del cicle «La Ciència a debat al PCB»TO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

Aquest dijous, 26 d’abril tindrà lloc la segona sessió del cicle de debats científics «La Ciència a Debat al PCB», que organitza el Parc Científic de Barcelona. En aquesta ocasió, i sota el títol «El moviment Open Accesss: Estem davant una nova revolució?» es vol reflexionar entorn dels efectes que aquesta iniciativa en l’àmbit del coneixement científic. El debat es durà a terme a les 18:30 h a l’Aula Fèlix Serratosa del PCB.