PCB and IRB organize the 5th edition of the «Career Progression in Science» day Blog Post

The fifth edition of the «Career Progression in Science –Options beyond the bench» day took place today at the auditorium of the Parc Cienífic de Barcelona (PCB). The event, organized jointly by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the PCB, aimed to create a platform where experts with a background in science, but who have gone on to take up a wide range of careers beyond the bench, could share their personal experiences and provide perspective on alternative careers for students and young researchers.

The Barcelona Science Park hosts the 4th «Career progression in science» day Blog Post

Thursday 27 June, the Barcelona Science Parc (PCB) and the Institure for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) organize the 4th edition of the «Career progression in science – options beyond the bench» day. The aim of the event is for professionals with training in science, but with different backgrounds, share their personal experiences and provide perspective on profesional scientific opportunities for students and young researchers. The event will be held at PCB´s Antoni Caparrós Aufitorium from 9.15 h. to 12.00h.

PCB and IRB Barcelona host the «Career progression in science» event Blog Post

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and the IRB Barcelona are holding the «Career progression in science – options beyond the bench» event on June 9th. The session, which aims to give participants inspiration and insight into their career development, will be held from 9.15 am to 12 noon in the Antoni Caparrós Auditorium (Baldiri Reixac, 4).

PCB an IRB Barcelona host a Career Opportunities Event for Students and Young Researchers Blog Post

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and the IRB Barcelona are holding a career opportunities event for students and young researchers on Thursday, June 3. The event, which aims to give participants inspiration and insight into their career development, will be held from 9.15 am to 12.00 noon in the Antoni Caparrós Auditorium (Baldiri Reixac, 4). Admission is free, but due to limited capacity advanced booking is required.