A publication reveals the large impact of the OBD’s documents on legislation Blog Post

–based at the Barcelona Science Park- is presenting a new book: «».The book provides an in-depth analysis of the significant impact that the «» and the «» developed by the OBD’s Opinion Group in 2002 and 2008, respectively, have had on the healthcare, social and legislative contexts of our country, and also reproduces their original content.

The report to amend the currently in force Law on Abortion coincides with the document proposed by the OBD Blog Post

The elaborated by the Committee of Experts to advise on the voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTOPI) released yesterday by the Ministry of Equality compiles most key aspects and terms of the proposal issued by the Opinion Group of the Bioethics and Law Observatory (), of the University of Barcelona, located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona, in April of last year in a document on VPI available at the OBD’s website.

The Observatory on Bioethics and Law proposes changes to the legislation regulating the voluntary termination of pregnancy Blog Post

The Opinion Group of the Observatory on Bioethics and Law (OBD) at the University of Barcelona, housed at the Barcelona Science Park, has published a that proposes changes to the legislation regulating the voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP). The proposal backs legalisation of the practice so that it be considered and treated as any other health care practice and, therefore, genuinely accepted as a public health care service. More specifically, the document proposes the establishment of conditions in which abortion can freely be carried out in the initial weeks of pregnancy or, if sought later, be authorised according to precise, clearly set indications, as now happens in most other countries in the European Union.