TPM Program: twenty-five years promoting quantity, quality and efficiency in organ donations over the world Blog Post

Promoting training for the experts of the field of organ, tissue and human cell transplantation and donation is the main aim of the Transplant Procurement Management, a worldwide reference in the training of health professionals of this field, which has taught around 13.000 experts from 100 countries over the world since it was created 25 years ago. This educational program is led by Dr. Martí Manyalich director of the DTI Foundation (Donation & Transplantation Institute), based at the Barcelona Science Park.


The Barcelona Science Park hosts a bilateral meeting between Scandinavian and Spanish EIT Health partners Blog Post

More than 60 people from 42 different EIT Health partners and third parties from Spain and Scandinavia met last week in Barcelona at the bilateral meeting, organized by these two regional CLCs. This is the second bilateral event organized in Barcelona, the first one took place last June and the invited CLC was the French one. EIT Health has nodes in Spain, France, Uk-Ireland, Belgium-Netherlands, Sweden and Scandinavia. EIT Health Spain, based at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), is made up of 18 organizations: companies, universities, research centers, hospitals and technology centers. 


Health & Bio Team Dating: Bringing together entrepreneurs and life science projects Blog Post

On 1 December at La Dama del Paraigües (Parc de la Ciutadella, Barcelona), Biocat and CataloniaBio – based at the Barcelona Science Park– are holding with Banc Sabadell once again Barcelona Health & Bio Team Dating, an event to help develop a bioentrepreneurial ecosystem and act as a catalyst for new business projects. This meeting between scientists and research groups working in life sciences and business people aims to bring together groups who can create new business synergies and start ups.  


Developmental biology offers the key to finding solutions for paediatric cancer, metastasis, and regeneration Blog Post

From today and until Wednesday,  around 20 speakers from around the world and 150 participants will debate cutting-edge research into plasticity and cell migration—two key aspects in paediatric cancer, metastasis, and regeneration, at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans on the occasion of the 18th Barcelona Biomed Conference, an event organised by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) –based at PCB– with the support of the BBVA Foundation.


Broad participation of Barcelona Science Park at BioSpain 2016 Blog Post

The Bilbao Exhibition Center (BEC) in Barakaldo (Bizkaia) will host  BioSpain 2016, the 8th edition of the eighth edition of this biennial event of biotechnology, the largest in Europe with permanent headquarters in one country and the fifth in the world ranking by number of partnering meetings. The event, to be held from 28 to 30 September, will bring together more than 2,000 attendees, 855 companies and nearly 50 investors- and will feature the participation of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and a large number of companies and entities of the PCB Community.


The genetic history of Aboriginal Australians Blog Post

The CNAG, based at Barcelona Science Park, participates in a study that analyses the genome of the Aboriginal Australian population that will help to understand how modern humans left the African continent. The findings of this study are published in Nature. The CNAG reseacher Òscar Lao, leader of the Population Genomics team, is first co-author of this work and contributed to the study analysing and interpreting the sub-populations of Aboriginal Australians. The debate over whether anatomically modern humans left the African continent in one or several waves is very intense in this Nature edition.


New strategy to obtain a specific type of amyloid-beta aggregate that may underlie neuronal death in Alzheimer’s disease Blog Post

Scientists from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at Barcelona Science Park (PCB), in collaboration with researchers at Scientific and Technological Centers of the University of Barcelona (CCiTUB), the University of Leuven (Belgium) and the University of Groningen (the Netherlands), and the the, describes for the first time how to prepare a specific type of aggregate of the amyloid-beta protein with the ability to perforate the cell membrane. Interpreted in the context of Alzheimer´s disease, this discovery suggests that the aggregate can also perforate the membrane of neurons, alter the equilibrium of these cells, and trigger their death.


David Bermúdez, new CEO of Intelligent Pharma Blog Post

Engineer, David Bermúdez, until now Director of Technology at Intelligent Pharma, has been appointed CEO of this biotech located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). Bermúdez takes on this new challenge as of the 1st September and brings nearly twenty years of professional experience in research, development and leadership of innovative interdisciplinary projects in the field of ICT, artificial intelligence, supercomputing and drug design.