A global team involving ICUB-Tech researchers detects a type of unidentified astronomical object Blog Post

Researchers from the international collaborations LIGO and Virgo, in which the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB (ICCUB) takes part under the coordination of Jordi Portell –co-director of the ICCUB Technology Unit, based in the Barcelona Science Park– have announced the discovery of an object of 2.6 solar masses, placing it firmly into so-called mass gap. That is an interval between the mass of the heaviest neutron star and the lightest blackhole, from which there were no observations yet.


IBEC researcher Pere Roca-Cusachs joins the European elite club in biology Blog Post

Pere Roca-Cusachs –group leader at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in the Barcelona Science Park and associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona (UB)– has been chosen to join the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), a prestigious network that brings together some of the most brilliant researchers in the world.


Promoting scientific careers in times of COVID-19 Blog Post

Against the backdrop of the major challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has underscored the crucial role science and technology play in our society, the Barcelona Science Park is stepping up its commitment to persuading young people to choose scientific careers by holding a new edition of Batx2Lab, a pioneering programme which has inspired the STEM talent of more than 700 young people.


Chemotargets opens an investment round to enter a new phase of growth Blog Post

Chemotargets, a global leader in predictive analytics solutions for the pharma and biotech sector, begins a phase of transformation to expand its activity in the drug discovery sector as a biotechnology company. The company, based in the Barcelona Science Park, is opening an investment round to undertake the transformation of its business model, with tadvice and support of GENESIS Biomed, also located in the Park, and CREA Inversión. 


Meteosim and Olfasense join forces against environmental pollution due to odours Blog Post

The Catalan company Meteosim, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has signed an alliance with the German multinationa Olfasense to provide a comprehensive solution in the smart management of bad odours and resulting conflicts. Through this alliance, the two companies integrate their leading technology in the Ortelium platform, which enables the analysis of the environmental impact of past, current and future episodes, and includes advanced complaint management tools, facilitating smart decision-making in real time.


Salvador Aznar Benitah receives the “Premio Fundación Carmen y Severo Ochoa 2019” Blog Post

Salvador Aznar Benitah, ICREA at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) in the Barcelona Science Park, as received the “Premio Carmen y Severo Ochoa de Investigación en Biología Molecular” in acknowledgement of his work on adult stem cells and the relation of these with circadian rhythms and metastasis, and also in recognition of his recent entrepreneurial activity as co-founder of Ona Therapeutics.


TMB Foundation colaborates with Aromics to combat the effects of health arising from asbestos Blog Post

TMB Foundation developed over the coming weeks various activities to raise awareness of the harmful effects of asbestos exposure to human health, in collaboration with the biotech company Aromics Biotech –based in the Barcelona Science Park– and other specialized organizations. This has been the cause of social chosen by company employees, who every year are the protagonists, with their proposals and its vote of solidarity program Choose your cause.