Un nou model teòric explica la unió de l’oxigen i les hemoglobinesTO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

Els investigadors Juan J. Novoa i Jordi Ribas-Ariño del Departament de Química Física de la UB i del Centre de Recerca en Química Teòrica de la UB (CeRQT) del Parc Científic de Barcelona, han presentat un model teòric d’una de les reaccions fonamentals dels processos respiratoris de molts organismes: la unió de l’oxigen amb les hemoglobines. L’estudi, que apareix publicat a la revista Chemical Communications de la Royal Society of Chemestry en versió en línia, ha estat destacat per altres seccions d’aquesta societat científica.

Study provides new data about the laws governing embryo development in organisms Blog Post

Research aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying embryo development has taken a step forward thanks to collaborative work between biologists specialized in the study of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and scientists specialized in the design of mathematical models that simulate the functioning of biological systems. Specifically, a study of wing formation in Drosophila, led by the researchers Marco Milán, from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (), and Javier Buceta, from the Centre for Research in Theoretical Chemistry (), both located within the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), has led to the discovery of a new genetic function involved in this process, and furthers our understanding of the internal laws which regulate it. The article is published in the July 11, 2007, issue of the journal .

Opening of a new computation facility in the Centre for Research in Theoretical Chemistry Blog Post

On Tuesday 16 January, the rector of the UB, Màrius Rubiralta, will chair the opening of the new computation facility in the Centre for Research in Theoretical Chemistry (Centre de Recerca en Química Teòrica, ). This opening ceremony will be held at 12 am in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Chemistry and will include the participation of the senior professors in Physical Chemistry at the UB, Francesc Illas, also director of CeRQT, and Juan José Novoa.

Three researchers at the PCB are candidates for this year’s EURYI Awards Blog Post

The researchers Eduard Batlle, Marco Milán and Núria López, all working at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park), are among the 13 Spanish candidates selected for the second edition of European Young Investigators Award Scheme (EURYI). The EURYI programme awards between 750,000-1,250,000 euros over five years. Candidates of any nationality who wish to establish their own research team in Europe, and projects in any field of research are considered. The main selection criteria of this scheme are scientific quality, originality and potential to become international leaders in the respective fields of research.

The researchers Francesc Illas and Òscar Millet receive an award from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry Blog Post

Francesc Illas, senior professor with the Department of Physical Chemistry and director of the Centre on Theoretical Chemistry (CeRQT), has been awarded the 2004 ex-aequo Chemistry Prize by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) for his theoretical studies on solid phase chemistry. In the section for young scientists, one of the awardees is Òscar Millet from the Biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Platform at the Parc Científic de Barcelona, for his contribution to the study of the interrelation between the function, stability and mechanism of action of enzymes and other proteins of biological interest.

Official annoucement for grants application Blog Post

Within the context of the agreement with the Departament d’Universitats, Recerca i Societat (DURSI, Catalan governments Ministry of Universities, Research and the Information Society), the Parc Científic de Barcelona holds 21 grants in order to collaborate in research projects related to the IRBB-PCB and the CeRQT addressed to post-graduated students.