
Vitala Technologies

Biotechnology - Therapeutics and Diagnostics


VITALA TECHNOLOGIES is a spin-off of IBEC, born with the aim to revolutionate the field of preclinical analysis for new drugs.

Our technology includes the use of Organ-on-a-Chip in conjunction with Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging (HP-MRSI). These technologies allow us to know in real time, with high definition, in quantitative terms, and in a non-destructive manner, the effects of a new drug as it interacts through the metabolic pathways of the cells.


This analysis generates highly precise knowledge in the areas of Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Apoptosis, and early Hepatotoxicity.


With this information, we can demonstrate that a drug works as it is intended. At the same time, this information allows us to optimize the design of the preclinical tests, allowing for a reduction in the number of experiments, animals used, time and money, thus managing resources effectively.

+34 623 10 72 78



Contact person: Gabriel Bestard Ribas

Location: Ed. Clúster - 03B61