From African clawed frog oocytes… to drugs that are activated by light Blog Post

The Live Research Fair, which opens its doors today at CosmoCaixa Barcelona until Saturday 14 April, aims to raise public awareness of research by opening up dialogue between the community and researchers and encouraging young people to consider scientific professions. The event has been organized by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) –as part of its Research in Society programme– and “la Caixa” Foundation, with the support of Barcelona City Council and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), and the collaboration of the University of Barcelona (UB).


Experience the leading science with its main actors! Blog Post

Getting society closer to science, creating scientific vocation and making interaction easier between the audience and scientists are the main goals of the 15th edition of the Live Research Fair, which will take place in CosmoCaixa Barcelona from the 3rd to the 6th of May. The event is co-organized by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and the Obra Social “la Caixa”, with the support from the Barcelona City Council and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).


The 14th edition of Live Research broke attendance records Blog Post

A total of 1711 visitors, 580 more than last year, participated in the 2015 Live Research held at CosmoCaixa Barcelona to learn about the leading projects being carried out in eleven research centers and university throughout Catalonia. The fair was organized by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and Obra Social ”la Caixa”, with the support of the Barcelona City Council and the collaboration of the University of Barcelona (UB) 


The fair “Live Research” takes off at CosmoCaixa Blog Post

Bringing science to society, fostering communication between the public and researchers and promote scientific vocation among the young are the aims of the Live Research fair, that started yesterday at CosmoCaixa Barcelona until Saturday 9th April. The exhibit has been organized by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and Obra Social ”la Caixa” with the support of the Barcelona City Council and the collaboration of the University of Barcelona (UB).


S’inaugura la 9a edició de la Fira “Recerca en Directe”TO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

El Parc Científic Barcelona i L’Obra Social de CatalunyaCaixa han inaugurat avui la 9a edició de la Fira ” Recerca de Directe”, que té lloc els dies 5, 6 i 7 d’abril, a La Pedrera de CatalunyaCaixa. L’objectiu d’aquesta trobada és mostrar els projectes en què actualment estan treballant investigadors d’alguns dels principals centres i instituts d’investigació de Barcelona i d’altres ciutats de Catalunya per apropar la recerca a tots els ciutadans, així com fomentar vocacions científiques entre els joves. Per això, a cada estand es formula un enigma que els assistents hauran de resoldre mitjançant l’experimentació, fent servir els aparells i l’instrumental que els científics utilitzen habitualment i que han traslladat a la Fira. Entre els projectes més innovadors que es presenten enguany s’inclouen les aplicacions de la tecnologia virtual al món de la medicina –que permetrà el públic controlar un avatar amb la ment, “teletransportar-se” i posar a prova la seva destresa virtual–, la possibilitat de reprogramar cèl•lules adultes per obtenir nous teixits, i les anomenades “cel•les solars fotoelectroquímiques orgàniques”, un sistema que permet l’obtenció d’energia neta, alternativa i barata a partir de l’ús de pigments vegetals, com ara els espinacs, la col llombarda o els gerds.

7th edition of the “Live Research” Fair Blog Post

On April 15 and 16 the Pedrera (Passeig de Gràcia, 92) will accomodate the 7th edition of the “Research Live” fair, organized by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) with the support of the Obra Social (Social Work Division) of la Caixa de Catalunya bank. The fair will be inaugurated on April 15 at 11 a.m. Its objective is to share with the public some of the projects that researchers from different research centres and institutes in Barcelona are currently undertaking and the scientific methodology employed. To achieve this goal, each stand will formulate an enigma which attendees will have to solve by participating in different activities and experiments, using the laboratory tools that scientists will bring to the Fair. Access to the fair is free but reservations must be made for groups larger than 10 people. Opening hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Researchers Meet and Talk with the Public at “Live Research Fair 2008” Blog Post

Can neuron activity be controlled with microchips? How do the oceans move? Do we really only know about 1% of our genome’s functions? What kinds of effects does virtual reality have on the brain?” All of these questions and many more have been addressed at , a science fair organised by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) with the financial support of Caixa Catalunya. Set for 10-11 April, the event offered the public some of the projects currently being pursued by researchers at the various research institutes and schools in Barcelona.

The contemporary research fair “Research Live” to be held on 9 and 10 May Blog Post

In May, and for the forth consecutive year, the Parc Científic de Barcelona will organize the contemporary research fair which, this year, is called . On 9 and 10 May, about ten research groups working in Barcelona will participate in this innovative communication initiative. The fair aims to bring scientists and general public together in order to improve scientific culture in our society. The fair will be held in the building called “la Pedrera” (Centre Cultural Caixa Catalunya – Sala Gaudí: Pg. de Gràcia, 92, Barcelona) de 10 a 14h i de 16 a 20h.