
Pangaea Oncology

Medical Technology

Associated Company


Pangaea Oncology is a medical services company focused on personalised treatment of cancer patients.  Its mission is to generate a new framework of precision oncology, based on personalised models, and incorporate this strategy into standard medical practice.


The company has two main areas of activity: its clinical care division, the Dr. Rosell Oncology Institute (IOR), based on the concept of personalized medicine, IOR delivers medical oncology services and related activities at four of the largest hospitals of the Quirónsalud Group in Catalonia; and its Diagnostic and R&D services division, providing diagnostic and in-vitro services to IOR patients and Pangaea’s portfolio of pharmaceutical clients, including over 15 multinationals.


Pangaea is highly invested in technology, focusing on the development of innovative, proprietary diagnostic techniques (its main commercialized asset is liquid biopsy), and development of targeted drugs – to early clinical trial stages – through a strategic agreement with Cancer Research Technology, UK.

+34 935 460 119



Contact person: José María Jimeno Doñaque