CONNECT with research! It is much closer than you think!

For more than 15 years now, the Parc Científic de Barcelona has been working in the RESSÒ Recerca en Societat program to set up spaces of coexistence between the citizens and research personnel in order to bring us closer together and to be able to talk openly and promote a critical spirit and scientific vocations.


Tallers d’experiments per posar en pràctica el mètode científic

Workshop practical experience

Tutela de pràctiques experimentals dels Treballs de Recerca de 1r de BATX


Un tastet de projectes de recerca sobre diferents disciplines


Per reflexionar, des de l’humor, sobre la recerca i les implicacions dels seus avenços


Per conèixer dones del passat i del present implicades en fer créixer el coneixement científic.

This Programme is coordinated by the PCB’s Unidad de Cultura Científica e Innovación (UCCI), which enjoys the endorsement of the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECyT).

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Visit the PCB Online activity for schools.

Clinical trials: how they work and what factors and stakeholders are involved.

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