
Master in Health & Science Management

Join us in the next informative session where you will learn everything about the academic program, career opportunities and the internship program at national research centers of scientific excellence.

Servei de fisioteràpia per a la Comunitat del PCB

Parc Científic de Barcelona, Recepció Cluster II Av. Dr. Marañón 8, Barcelona

Servei de Fisioteràpia al Parc...ara també els dimarts! Davant la bona resposta i l’increment de demanda dels usuaris i les usuàries del PCB, a partir del proper mes d’abril el...

Patient-led functional genomics: a tale of tubulins and rare disease

Edifici Cluster I, Aula Fèlix Serratosa C/ Baldiri Reixac 10-12, Barcelona

Speaker: Dr. Pleasantine Mill Group Leader at the MRC Human Genetics Unit at the University of Edinburgh, UK. Abstract: With recent advances in sequencing technology, identification of potentially causative genetic...