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The Barcelona Science Park organises over 80 targeted activities aimed at the education community and the general public, engaging the participation of nearly 5,000 people each year.

PCB´s Research in Society Program receives the Educational Quality Label

Research in Society, the outreach program of the Barcelona Science Park, has received the Educational Quality Label by the Pedagogical Council of Barcelona, in the accreditation project of the Educational Activities Program (PAE) of the Barcelona Municipal Education Institute (IMEB).


The Educational Quality Label responds to an accreditation process which started in February 2015 resulting from an agreement between IMEB and Institute of Science Education (ICE) of the University of Barcelona, aims to analyse the good existent practises, offer elements of improvement and basically, contribute to improve the educational offering of the city.

The evaluation, carried out by ICE, emphasizes that the “Barcelona Science Park exemplifies the real interest in the educational world, bringing the school community closer and generating learning conditions that go beyond the classroom”. The Institute highly values the “quality, adequate pedagogical management, and subsequent evaluation of the activities” carried out by the PCB through its Research in Society program with the aim of fostering children´s and young people´s interest in science and to show excellence in science at all educational levels.”

The Research in Society Program

The Barcelona Science Park Statutes envision the importance of designing a project that promotes the science culture in order to transfer all the knowledge undertaken and developed around it to society.  

Since 2003, under its the Research in Society program, the Park offers activities in educational centers to increase the organisation´s public visibility, enhance its social dimension and favor relationships in the the production, social and educational fabrics. 

At this time, PCB´s Research in Society program organises over 80 targeted activities aimed at the education community- primary education, secondary education, and vocational training- and the general public engaging the participation of nearly 5,000 people each year.

The Educational Activities Program

The Pedagogical Council of Barcelona, dynamised by the Barcelona Institute of Education (IMEB), is a network that presently holds 155 institutions and citizen organizations offering educational activities for students. The Barcelona Science Park is one of the members of this organisation.

The educational activities of its members are published every school year in the Educational Activities Program (PAE), whose aim is to furnish as much information as possible on the educational activities provided by civic organisations. The School Activities Programme systematises the descriptions of the activities to make it easier for teachers to choose those that are most suitable for their requirements. More than 5000 different activities are available every academic year for students at all educational leves, covering all educational levels in a broad thematic spectrum that provides teachers with task-decision making tools most suitable for their educational planning.