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From left to right: Joan Guinovart, Muriel Arimon, Maria Terrades and Lluís Farrés (Photo: Daniel Portales, PCB).

The Science Park of Barcelona gives the BATX2LAB awards

Yesterday, Wednesday 27 March, prizes were awarded to the best research work from the BATX2LAB programme, promoted by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), and the Crazy About Medicine programme, promoted by the IRB Barcelona and Fundació Catalunya–La Pedrera. The event, which was held in the Dolors Aleu Room in the PCB, was attended by around 100 people. 


The event was attended by Maria Terrades, Director of the Barcelona Science Park; Joan Guinovart, IRB Barcelona’s Outreach and Fundraising ambassador; Muriel Arimon, IRB Barcelona’s Director of Civic Participation and Scientific Education; and Lluís Farrés, Director of Knowledge and Research at the Fundació Catalunya–La Pedrera. They were also joined by the students and tutors who participated in the 2018-2019 awards. 

During the event, the attendees were also able to enjoy a scientific talk entitled “Genetics and Superheroes”. This was delivered by the biomedical researcher Helena González, CEO and curriculum coordinator of the Big Van: scientists on wheels group, which combines humour and science by interacting with the audience.

BATX2LAB forms part of the Barcelona Science Park’s scientific awareness programme Research in Society, which offers upper secondary school students the opportunity to conduct the practical part of their research project in several PCB laboratories under the tutelage of a researcher. The initiative is supported by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

This year, 40 students were selected to participate in the BATX2LAB programme from a total of 163 entries. The three winning students of this edition come from the Institut Anna Gironella de Mundet, the IES Escola Intermunicipal de Penedès and the Institut Vilatzara de Vilassar de Mar.