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The PCB participates in the 8th International Congress on Public Communication of Science and Technology

By 7 de June de 2004November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The PCB participates in the 8th International Congress on Public Communication of Science and Technology

The Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) has participated in the 8th Congress of the International Network on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST), in which more than 650 people from 50 countries debated on science and its public communication in distinct cultural settings. The universal nature of science provides a focus through which dialogue can be established between distinct cultures.

Among other conclusions, the conference highlighted the role of universities and institutions that perform research and technological development as promoters of modern science. In this regard, special mention was given to the need to encourage dialogue between scientists and journalists; communication from research institutions that can be facilitated by an intermediary scientific communicator. To achieve this communication, it was concluded that the scientific community should show greater support for this initiative.

In addition, the need to establish new communication channels to promote public participation was discussed. In this regard, the PCB participated in a round table on the mechanisms to foster public dialogue. This session highlighted the need to include society in the communication process. This inclusion was illustrated by an exhibition presented by the Park entitled “Embryos and Medicine in the XXI century” as a model through which to increase informed social debate on controversial issues

The congress, held as a Forum event from 4-6 June, was organized by the Scientific Communication Observatory at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Commissioner for Scientific Culture of the Barcelona City Council, with the support for the Scientific Committee of the PCST Network.