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The PCB and the University Technology Park team up to boost innovation

By 9 de December de 2008November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The PCB and the University Technology Park team up to boost innovation

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has signed a cooperation agreement with the University Technology Park (), linked to the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). The agreement is aimed at establishing cooperation and pooling efforts of the two parks. It is hoped that it will strengthen research and the transfer of knowledge from universities to companies, particularly in the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnologies, renewable energies and other areas within the emerging sciences that promise to boost local and regional economic growth. The agreement was signed by the Director General of the PCB, Fernando Albericio, and the director of the UTP, David E. Baker.

In order to meet these aims, the agreement covers different initiatives. These include the regular exchange of information related to the different activities performed in the two centres. Joint scientific seminars, lectures and conferences will be included, as will technological innovation and opportunities for licensing new products generated onsite. Temporary exchanges are foreseen in the agreement to help establish contacts and develop joint projects. Furthermore, joint meetings may be organised to promote investment and technological cooperation.

The agreement also contemplates the possibility of working together on specific platforms for completing different collaborative activities. There is also an undertaking to be inclusive towards the partner organisation and facilitate information regarding the activities the two bodies are involved in at international conferences and trade fairs.

The agreement also aims to be a first step towards the creation of a broader network of science and technology parks capable of offering services such as access to new markets and the opportunity for companies working with new technologies to cooperate in research projects. There is also a will to create an “international incubator,” on which it is hoped work will commence in the next six months.