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The Parc Científic de Barcelon takes part at the Meet Innov in Paris

By 25 de November de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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J. Purroy (left) during his participation at a roundtable with other European experts of innovation networks and clusters.

The Parc Científic de Barcelon takes part at the Meet Innov in Paris

The Parc Científic de Barcelona has participated in the 9th edition of Meet Innov, an event that was held last November 19 in Val de Marne (Paris) and that brought together over 1,000 representatives of SMEs, start- ups, research centers, universities, clusters, platforms to support innovation and investors from 17 countries around the world to share ideas, propose projects and redefine the keys to success in business.

Organized annually by the Development Agency of Paris – Val de Marn, the purpose of Meet Innov is too mobilize agents from the public and private sector to launch an innovative culture that relates financial value with creative concepts.

In this 9th edition, 1080 attendees gathered at the Pavillon Baltard to attend four lectures given by internationally renowned experts, visit the 55 exhibitors presenting their projects at the exhibit grounds, and participate in the 24 workshops and the 1,600 B2B meetings aranged through an online platform.

The MeetInvest convention also hosted a space reserved for the funding of 15 start-ups – less than five years old and in need of capital injections between € 100,000 and € 3M – who had the opportunity to present their projects to a group of 60 investors. The event also hosted the presentation of the ‘INPI Innovation Awards’ that the French National Institute for Industrial Property (INPI) gives to companies and research centers that place industrial property at the core of their growth plans.

Jesus Purroy, technical director of Science and Technology Service attended the convention on behalf of the PCB. During the meeting, Dr. Purroy participated in a roundtable discussion with other European experts in innovation networks and competiveness clusters. He also presented a lecture titled: ‘Barcelona Science Park: From Knowledge to Innovation’ together with Alfons Nonell-Canals, director of the company Mind the Byte, located at the PCB.

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