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‘The Journal of Immunology’ highlights an article of the Research Group on Macrophage Biology

By 19 de December de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Members of the Consolidated Research Group on Macrophage Biology. Regulation of Gene Expression.

‘The Journal of Immunology’ highlights an article of the Research Group on Macrophage Biology

«The Exonuclease Trex1 Restrains Macrophage Proinflammatory Activation» is the title of the article that the editors of the latest issue of The Journal of Immunology selected as one of the best studies. It is signed by experts Selma Pereira Lopes, Glòria Sans Fons, Jorge Lloberas and Antonio Celada, from the Department of Physiology and Immunology of the Faculty of Biology and members of the Consolidated Research Group on Macrophage Biology. Regulation of Gene Expression, based in the Parc Científic de Barcelona.The article is also signed by Teja Celhar and Anna-Marie Fairhurst, from the Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN).

Mutations in TREX1 gene, the most abundant exonuclease in mammalian cells, are linked to the development of some autoimmune diseases, such as the systemic lupus erythematosus. The expert Selma Pereira Lopes is the first author of the article, which reveals that TREX1 may negatively regulate pathways in macrophages that promote inflammation and predispose individuals toward the development of autoimmunity.

In the study, the inflammatory phenotype was characterized in tissues and cells of the immune systems in mice Trex1-/- (withoutTREX1). Results prove an increase of proinflammatory gene expression in several organs, included the brain.

The Consolidated Research Group on Macrophage Biology. Regulation of Gene Expression, led by Professor Antonio Celada, focuses its activity on studying the molecular mechanims involved in macrophage proliferation, activation, differentiation and entry in apoptosis. Macrophages are key cells involved in immune response (destroy bacteria, virus, parasites, tumour cells, etc.).

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