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The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation organizes a meeting to explain Repsol Foundation Entrepreneurs’ Fund

By 4 de September de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The selected projects of the Entrepreneurs Fund first call has ended its preincubation week. Source: Repsol Foundation.

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation organizes a meeting to explain Repsol Foundation Entrepreneurs’ Fund

On September 26 it will be held at the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) –located at the Barcelona Scientific Park– a meeting so as to explain the second edition of the Repsol Foundation Entrepreneurs' Fund. In this meeting, Enric Suñol, director of the Institute of Energy Cerdà and Entrepreneurs Fund Coordinator, will explain the call and the evaluation criteria

The Repsol Foundation Entrepreneurs’ Fund is Spain’s first private fund operating in the field of energy efficiency. It was set up in order to attract talent and allow it to flourish, helping innovative companies that deliver greater sustainability in the search for, production of and use of energy.

The Fund will select, among the submitted proposals, around 5 projects to participate in a company incubation process. Depending on the requirements of each business project, the support to the entrepreneur during the incubation process, with a maximum duration of 24 months, will include a monthly economic allocation of between € 6,000 and €12,000, as well as technical, financial and legal counseling coordinated by a tutor. The incubation process, which will last up to a maximum of 24 months, will help the entrepreneurs develop their projects, making them attractive for investors.

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) is the University of Barcelona’s Centre for the Transfer of Knowledge, Technology and Innovation. It makes available scientific/technical capabilities, research results and know-how generated within Grupo UB (University of Barcelona Group) to companies, institutions and society in general. Its work ensures that UB’s most promising research results get to market through the creation of new technology-based companies and by the licensing of patents. It also promotes entrepreneurialism within the University environment and protects research results.