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The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) announces a call for applications by researchers to take part in a Sabbatical Programme

By 23 de July de 2007November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) announces a call for applications by researchers to take part in a Sabbatical Programme

The PCB has set up a new for researchers of any nationality who work in the area of lung cancer or its metastases, and who carry out their research activity outside Spain. The sabbatical period will last between three and six months and is supported by the Enrique Flores López Foundation.

In this first call two visiting researcher places are available. The award covers the cost of a return trip between the city of origin and Barcelona, as well as a net monthly salary of 3,000 EURO. The deadline for submission of applications, which must be sent to the Scientific Management of the PCB (, is 31 December 2007. Any researcher from the PCB, whether he/she forms part of an academic group or a company, may propose candidates for this Programme. The selection process will take into account not only the scientific excellence of the visiting researcher but also the possibility of interaction with the Park’s research groups and projects.

In addition to their CV, those interested in applying must submit a letter of support from a PCB researcher, in which it is stated that he/she is willing to have the visitor join his/her laboratory. The applicant should also enclose a letter setting out their reasons for applying and the possible links between his/her research work and that conducted by PCB researchers. Finally, applicants must also submit written confirmation that during their stay they will give three lectures on subjects related to their research: two in the PCB and one aimed at the general public in a location to be determined.

The successful candidates will be chosen during January 2008, the decision being reached jointly by the PCB and representatives of the Foundation which has lent its support to the Programme. The Enrique Flores López Foundation, based in Madrid and presided over by José Luis Flores Anguita, was established in 1953 and its objectives include the award of research grants for the diagnosis and treatment of bronchial and lung diseases; it also provides care for terminal patients with these disorders and support to their relatives.