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The Barcelona Science Park participates in Biospain 2010

By 14 de September de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park participates in Biospain 2010

From September 29 to October 1 the 5th Annual Congress Biospain will take place in Pamplona. This event serves as a meeting point for the biotech sector at a national and international level. The Barcelona Science Park (PCB), as well as a large portion of the companies and entities it hosts, will participate in this congress.

The meeting –jointly organized by the Spanish Association of Biotech Companies (ASEBIO) and the Government of Navarra by means of the Development Society of Navarra (SODENA)- is structured in a commercial fair, a partnering event, plenary sessions and conferences addressing different topics with internationally renowned speakers.

The Barcelona Science Park will be present at the event with its own stand, in order to offer information on the public research institute and businesses it houses, its technological offer – currently offering nine platforms of advanced technology and a wide range of technical and scientific services supporting research-and the activities and projects it conducts, including the PCB-Santander Bioincubator, jointly promoted by the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation with the support of Santander, which currently accommodates 17 firms.

The PCB will also participate in the partnering sessions, organized by the EBD Group, which this year are projected to draw together over 1,200 professionals and 700 companies from the sector.

The Biotec 2010 Scientific Congress, organized by the Spanish Society of Biotechnology (SEBIOT), and an investors Forum, which aims to obtain new funding routes for future business projects, will also be held within the framework of this event.