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The Barcelona Science Park hosts the «Keys to Bioentrepreneurship» training programme

By 5 de May de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park hosts the «Keys to Bioentrepreneurship» training programme

Next May the course «Keys to Bioentrepreneurship», the first entrepreneurship initiation programme geared towards students, university graduates and researchers in the life sciences and medicine will be held at the Barcelona Science Park. Several different companies and entities based at the PCB will be participating in the course, –organized by the Association of Biotechnologists of Catalonia (ASBTEC) and the Entrepreneurs School Foundation-, which will be divided into 4 sessions that will be held on Tuesdays over the month of May (3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th) from 18:30 to 20:30, at the Felix Serratosa Hall of the PCB (Cluster Building, Baldiri i Reixac 10, Barcelona).

In today´s day and age, it is difficult to choose a professional future. Becoming a bioentrepreneur and creating one´s own business in the field of biotechnology or biomedicine is an increasingly frequent and interesting reality. Successful companies contain a special combination of ingredients: people with a clear vocation to help resolve real problems, a solution or scientific discovery that can be put into practice, capital, intellectual property and a sustainable business model.

The objective of this initiative is for real bioentrepreneurs to share their personal experience, their passion for entrepreneurship for commencing a project and to create value for society, in order for participants to learn firsthand the successes, failures, problems and satisfactions involved in being an entrepreneur, by means of the personal experience of 14 bioentrepreneurs who are currently carrying forth innovative and international companies in our country, such as Advancell Therapeutics, Bionure, Era Biotech, Genmedica, Intelligent Pharma, Janus Developtments, Ysios, all based at the Barcelona Science Park. Representatives from the management department of CataloniaBIO and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, two organizations that are also based at the PCB, will also participate in the programme.

The first session of the «Keys to Bioentrepreneurship» academic programme will cover bioentrepreneurship as a key element for the development of biotechnology; the second session will reveal the first phases of a project: spanning from the idea to the first funding rounds; the third session will explain the strategies used to develop and make a company grow, and, lastly, the fourth session will tackle the opportunities of services in the field of biotechnology, such as consulting, diagnosis and contract research.