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Scientists at IRB Barcelona and BSC publish the world’s largest video data bank of proteins for the pharmaceutical industry

By 11 de November de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Scientists at IRB Barcelona and BSC publish the world’s largest video data bank of proteins for the pharmaceutical industry

After four years of conducting intensive calculations in the supercomputer MareNostrum at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, scientists headed by Modesto Orozco at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) have presented the world's largest data base on protein motions. Called MoDEL, this new database holds more than 1,700 proteins and is partially accessible through Internet to researchers worldwide. MoDEL has been developed to study the basic biology of proteins and to accelerate and facilitate the design of new pharmaceutical agents. The scientists that develop MoDEL work from an international catalogue of static protein structures (approximately 40,000) called the Protein Data Bank (PDB). MoDEL holds 30% of human therapeutic targets and the objective is to cover 80% in three years. Several pharmaceutical companies are already using the MoDEL strategy to develop the first drugs against cancer and inflammatory diseases, which could become available this year.