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Political parties debate science policy at the PCB

By 11 de October de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Political parties debate science policy at the PCB

On Tuesday 17 October at 12 h, the Antoni Caparrós Auditorium at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) will host a debate entitled "R+D+I Policy". In a round table, representatives from the main political parties in Catalonia will present their R+D+I programmes developed for the upcoming election campaign for the Parliament of Catalonia, to be held on 1 November. The round table, which will be chaired by the Assistant Director of the PCB, Montserrat Vendrell, will include Monserrat Capdevila (PSC-PSOE), Santi Rodríguez (PP), Manel Balcells (ERC), Lluís Postigo (ICV) and Toni Castellà (CiU).

The debate will centre on the four key aspects of science policy, research support, the science degree, innovation and the transfer of knowledge and technology, and the programmes by sector for the development of the economy in Catalonia. Specifically, each party will present its vision of this policy, thereby stimulating debate among participants. The topics to be covered will include government investment in R+D, the development of new centres and the promotion of those already running, the instability of employment contracts for researchers, relations between scientists and industry, promotion of innovation, the role of science parks and incubators for technology-based enterprises, and the strategic sectors that require strengthening, among other subjects.