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Màrius Rubiralta, new Secretary General for Universities

By 6 de May de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Màrius Rubiralta, new Secretary General for Universities

Màrius Rubiralta i Alcañiz, former director general of the Barcelona Science Park and former rector of the University of Barcelona, took possession of his new post as Secretary General of Universities at the Ministry of Education yesterday during the inaugural event that took place in Madrid chaired by the newly appointed Minister of Education, Ángel Gabilondo.

Other executive officers at the Ministry of Education that also took possession of their respective new appointments were: Eva Almunia, as State Secretary for Education and Professional Training, Felipe Petriz, as director general of University Policies, and Rosa Peñalver as director general of Assessment and Territorial Cooperation.

Born in Manresa in 1952, Màrius Rubiralta holds a PhD in Chemistry by the University of Barcelona and is professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Pharmacy. He has been director of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutic Chemistry and vice president of the Health Sciences Division. During the rectorship of Antonio Caparrós (1994-2001), he was appointed and held the post of vice-rector of Research. In addition to being the director general at the Barcelona Science Park (2202-2005) and rector of the University of Barcelona (2005-2008), Màrius Rubiralta has also been vice-president of the first conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE). Last April he was named State Secretary for Universities, a post which he held up until now. He is currently numerary member of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia and has been awarded with the Narcís Monturiol Medal to scientific and technological merit (2003).

A significant part of his career has been devoted to the promotion of university research from different institutional posts as well as to the development of new policies on the transfer of technology. Màrius Rubiralta has also participated in several publications, books and conferences. Within the framework of the Barcelona Science Park project, he has introduced in our country a new concept for the relationship between the university as a sector that generates new knowledge and the business sector.

Framed within this investiture event, Angel Gabilondo announced the call for a large-scope agreement in favour of education in Spain to be articulated via three dialogue tables with representatives from: the autonomous communities, the political parties present at the Congress Education Commission and the involved social agents. The objective of this agreement is to achieve consensus in different areas, such as school dropping, child education, new professional and vocational training, the European Space for Higher Education and the technological modernisation of education, among other issues. During the event, Gabilondo mentioned that the work that is being carried jointly by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Innovation will contribute to foster research and will help position Spanish universities in a top ranking position internationally.