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The seal marks the pledge to conserve excellence and to work towards the implementation of a strategic plan with continuous evaluation.

IRB Barcelona is awarded the European “HR Excellence in Research” seal

The European Commission has awarded the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) –based in the PCB– the 'HR Excellence in Research"seal in recognition of its commitment to continuously improve human resources practices. The seal has been given in acknowledgement of fair and transparent recruitment and evaluation procedures for research staff, in accordance with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The seal includes the right to use the European logo, thus facilitating visibility and public recognition of research institutes committed to the principles of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).

The award process has taken two years and has involved the following actions: an internal analysis to compare the HR policies and practices of IRB Barcelona with the principles of the Charter and Code; develop a strategic action plan aimed at researchers ( RB’s Action Plan) and evaluation of the comparative analysis and action plan by the European Commission.

In two years’ time, IRB Barcelona will undergo an examination with respect to the progress made on the strategic action plan, and every four years it will be subject to an external evaluation.