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At a matchmaking event, on 3 December, B2B meetings take 30 minutes, which is usually long enough to forge business/research/technological connections.

‘Health & Bio Team Dating’, a new initiative to bring together entrepreneurs and scientists

On 3 December 2015, Banc Sabadell jointly three entities located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) –BiocatCataloniaBio and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG)– are holding Health & Bio Team Dating, a meeting that will help develop an bioentrepreneur ecosystem to catalyze the creation of new business projects. Scientists and entrepreneurs will meet in short partnering meetings to combine their experience and projects with the aim of building a balanced team to lead successful start-up in the life sciences.


Health & Bio Team Dating can attend an experts manager/business persons, or MBA/PhD business students without experience, with entrepreneurial spirit looking for an innovative project to join and the drive to take new technology/service from the lab to the market, and researchers with a good scientific project that can become a company but need someone for the business plan and fundraising. 

Each participant registers on line before the event with a profile (Expertise/projects/technology, etc.), which will be displayed on the event website. The profiles will be promoted extensively. Registration deadline is 20 November.

This information will act as a filter for the laws of supply and demand in an open plattform for programing B2B meetings. Each participant can select meetings online with other participants they would like to talk to in person. A few days before the event, each participant will receive a meeting schedule, showing ‘who’ they will meet ‘when’ and ‘where’.

At a matchmaking event, on 3 December, people meet and greet at high speed. Bilateral meetings take 30 minutes, which is usually long enough to forge business/research/technological connections. 


• You can follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #HealthTeam